Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rays, turtles and dolphins

We have had a great first day or so on the leg to Bermuda. The winds have been very good and nearly from the right direction. We are making good progress most of the time. It's been a little bumpy and dealing with the constant heel is challenging. It's like doing constant isometric exercises and moving around one must be really cautious.

We saw what looked like a big wave of sargasso seaweed but as we closed in on it realized it was a school of golden colored rays that were feeding on a multitude of jellyfish. A few playful porpoise have come by to see us and a few very shy sea turtles have been seen.

Last night we thought it was going to get cold because there was a pretty cool wind during the day but it turned out to be a great night. It's a new moon so there were great stars all night. I've been on the radio a little bit and made about a dozen contacts so far ranging from Italy, Europe and the middle of the US. I have run ito a bit of a problem with communications that I have narrowed down the the auto-pilot. It's creating noisy little birdies all across the bands. We'll have to turn it off for doing any fax reception or WINMOR.

Well, I usually can check my posts to make sure they look OK and everything works. I have no way to check it now so I hope you are reading this!