The wind from the East died out yesterday afternoon completely. We ended up motoring for a while to get the batteries charged up and make the ride a little smoother. The wind began to come back up as the evening went on and turned around to the South-Southeast. We are now on a beautiful beam reach and the seas are smooth. This is a much more comfortable tack that the beat we were on the first few days. We cooked Bubbas out on the grill last night and had a great sunset. No green flash though... I tried to make contact with some Jacksonville hams yesterday on 20 m but I think they are still in the skip zone for 20. I played around on 40 m today and heard my friend Leo, N4MRJ checking into SOCARS. So tonight I'm going to be on 40 m at 7.283-7.285 from 6-7 PM Eastern. Try to catch me there if you get a chance. The reason for the specific frequencies is the birdies that the autopilot is putting out over the bands. There is a small window of silence every now and then. This is one of those windows. So far we are averaging over 100 miles per day and we are quite pleased with that progress. The forcast for the next couple of days is stronger winds out of the North so it should cool things off and keep us on track for average miles per day. Smooth seas, 73 and 88.