Sunday, May 22, 2011

A moment of silence please

A very good friend has passed away. Otto was a dear friend to all of the crew. He is and will continue to be missed by all. Otto lived a great life, always willing to lend a hand to fellow sailors. He was more willing than any other crew member to stand watch for them during long nighttime watches. And up until the end Otto never complained or said a word about how hard he worked and how many hours he put in tirelessly keeping up with his tasks. I think it was old age that finally brought an end to Otto. During the final days he underwent two extensive surgeries by a dedicated and well motivated team of semi-professionals. When the team finally located the source of Otto's illness it was too late. The damage had been done. Perhaps with the help of specialists and proper operating rooms the outcome may have been different.

So now let us all have a moment of silence for our good friend Otto the Auto-Helm. Things are getting really manual around here now.