Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Made it to Horta!

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We arrived in Horta safely just after sunrise today. Everything is good and we are checked in and settled in for a while. It took some time to get Internet access going but I think it is going to work OK for a while at least. We were met at the dock by my new friend Rui, CU7CM and his brother-in-law Herminio. I had chatted with Rui on the radio on the way across. That was a nice surprise to be greeted like that! 

I have quite a few posts ready to go but they will be kind of out of the timeline. I wanted to go ahead and get this one posted. We had quite a bit of frustrating time getting WINMOR to work and we have been out of e-mail touch since about the mid-point of the trip. Some of the upcoming posts will be from the last leg but I wanted to let everyone know we made it OK to Horta. After a quick nap we are heading out for some food at Peter's Cafe Sporte a famous meeting place for sailors from around the world. We have already met other sailors from all over the place - Canada, France, UK, Italy and of course the US. Horta is a melting pot of sailors and we all share the common bond of recently making a big ocean crossing. That’s the only way to get here.

Otto the auto-helm is in the hospital now and hopefully will recover fully.