Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lots of water out here

We are now about 300 miles from Gibraltar. We have had good winds from the North-northeast for the last 4 or 5 days.We were averaging over 5 knots and making great time. Seas have been a bit on the bumpy side but we are experiencing a little break now so I can type a bit.

Trust me when I say there is a lot of water out here. Water water water. It was pretty exciting yesterday, a board floated by!

There is quite a bit of boat traffic picking up. It looks like we have sailed right through a major shipping lane crossing with boats coming in and out from the Med crossing with boats going North and South. At one time we had close to 100 ships showing up on AIS. I took a picture of the screen and will post it when I get some wifi.It was pretty impressive with all the ships around and little old us right in the middle of it all. Of course we rarely even see a ship, I think the closest one has come to us was a couple of miles. We had to motor through the night and it looks like we will be motoring most of the day. We have light winds from the East. Not ideal sailing conditions but it is what it is. It will be nice to see land again.