Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cathedral of Orvieto

    We stayed in a little town now called Orvieto in Italy. The town is situated on a hilltop surrounded by cliff walls or man-made walls. One of the main structures in town is a huge church known as the Cathedral of Orvieto (Duomo). It is said to be one of the finest examples of Italian Gothic architecture. The cornerstone was laid in 1290. I’m not sure how long it took to build it but I’m sure it was a long time. 
The facade of the building is truly a fantastic piece of work. It is huge and beautiful yet has the finest of details all throughout. It is an intricate collection of sculptures within sculptures and paintings and tile work. It’s just hard to describe and of course my pictures do not do it justice. I could not get far enough away from the front to include the whole facade in one photo (my camera is pretty limited) because the surrounding piazza is not big enough to get very far away.
We were restricted from taking photos inside the cathedral. It was absolutely beautiful inside. The small chapel off the side of the main cathedral was covered with fresco paintings done primarily by Luca Signorelli. The paintings were what I would call “gripping”. They stayed with you long after leaving the cathedral.